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OCR J200 GCSE Media Paper 1 Section A Indicative Content

Morag Larsen | Tuesday November 08, 2016

Categories: GCSE, OCR GCSE

Paper 1 Section A


This mock paper is constructed without knowledge of internal centre choices for extracts. In the GCSE exam, the format is likely to be different with one extract perhaps utilised. Three are used here to offer developing candidates the opportunity to engage with different unseen materials and question types.


Q1 – 5 marks

Analyse how mise-en-scene/sound is used in this extract to connote meaning and understanding.


Watch the opening 2 minutes from Cuffs (S1, E1)

Candidates may discuss:

  • Pulsing electronic music creates a sense of drama. Intense and insistent.
  • The high angle, aerial shot established a sense of location. The episode will be set in a town/urban area that is also home to a beachfront.  We can begin to think about the scenarios that the protagonists may have to encounter, problems that are typical to these locales that they may have to face.
  • The non-diegetic sound of walkie-talkie chatter connotes that this could be a drama to do with the services/support agencies. A sense of observance/monitoring is suggested.
  • Music becomes more powerful, a sense of expectation grows. Sirens can be heard, tension is rising.
  • Direct shot of protagonist – Police uniform – Connotes security/protection/respectability.
  • Spins wheel – Urgency suggested – On the way to an incident.
  • Non-diegetic VO is heard “It takes courage to become a police officer…” Connote that somebody is discussing the value of the protagonists – Sense of multi-strand.  “A sense of expectation,,,a call to action”  This connotes the responsibility and importance…

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