GCSE Media

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Barry Rainsford | Sunday January 08, 2023

Categories: GCSE, AQA GCSE, GCSE Media


Unit 1 Media Language

Unit 1 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies Core: Media Language 20 lessons

Content Overview: Which part of the specification is covered below?

  • Media One Paper 1 Section A Media Language and Media Representations

Unit 1 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies Close Study Products 10 lessons

Close Study Products Covered:

  • Galaxy
  • OMO

Unit 2 Media Representation

Unit 2 AQA 8572 GCSE Core: Media Representation 20 lessons

Content Overview: Which part of the specification is covered below?

  • Media One Section B Media Audiences and Media Industries

Unit 2 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies Close Study Products 11 lessons

Close Study Products Covered:

  • Tatler
  • Heat
  • Black Widow
  • I, Daniel Blake

Unit 3 Media Audience

Unit 3 AQA 8572 GCSE Core: Media Audience 20 lessons

Content Overview: Which part of the specification is covered below?

  • Media One Section A: Media Language and Representations
  • Media Two Section B: Media Audience and Media Industries
  • Media Two Section B: Media Online, Social and Participatory and Video Games

Assessment Overview:

  • Online, social and participatory media
  • Video games

Unit 3 AQA 8572 GCSE Close Study Products 14 lessons

Close Study Products Covered:

  • Marcus Rashford
  • Kim Kardashian
  • Lara Croft - Go

Unit 4 Media Industry

Unit 4 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Core: Media Industry 17 lessons

Content Overview: Which part of the specification is covered below?

  • Media One Section A: Media Language and Representations
  • Media Two Section B: Media Audience and Media Industries

Unit 4 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Close Study Products 15 lessons

Close Study Products Covered:

  • The Times
  • The Daily Mirror
  • The Arctic Monkeys Music Video, I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor
  • Blackpink Music Video - How do you like that?

Unit 5 Final Close Study Products

Unit 5 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies Close Study Products 10 lessons

Close Study Products Covered:

  • His Dark Materials (2020) - Episode 1: Ravens
  • Dr Who (1963) - Episode 1: An Unearthly Child

AQA Product Blogs

BBC Radio & The Blackburn Rover

Dr Strange - The Film Industry Part 1 of 3

How to approach I Daniel Blake - The Film Industry Part 2 of 3

The Film Industry Part 3 of 3 - Explicit Comparison - Doctor Strange and I Daniel Blake

Unit 6 Exam Specific Revision & Preparation

AQA GCSE Media Revision 5 lessons New!

GCSE Media Revision Knowledge Organisers

Assessment Tools

Exam Pack 1

Exam Pack 2 - Includes Live Scripts

Exam Pack 3

NEA Assistance and Advice

Unit 1 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies NEA

Unit 2 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies NEA

Unit 3 AQA 8572 GCSE Media Studies NEA

Secret Examiner Blogs

NEA Blog 1

NEA Blog 2 - Radio Show

NEA Blog 3 - Lifestyle magazines

NEA Blog 4 - Social Realism - and lots lots more

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