Guide Navigation
Content Overview:
- Paper/Component 2: Media Forms and Products In-Depth
- Section C: Media in the Online Age
Set Product Focus Option 2: Zoella and Attitude
Files you will need for the lessons
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Click here for Complete Set of 16 Lessons 179 Slides
- Lesson 1: Section C Media in the Online Age
- Lesson 2: Rise of the Vlogger
- Lesson 3: Vlogging Genre
- Lesson 4: Vlogging Analysis
- Lesson 5: Vlogging - Media Language - Zoella
- Lesson 6: Vlogging - Representations - Zoella
- Lesson 7: Influencers - Meaning/Response
- Lesson 8: Audience - Zoella
- Lesson 9: Influencers
- Lesson 10: Guidance on Online Site Analysis - Attitude
- Lesson 11: Mode of Address
- Lesson 12: Developing Responses…